Your eyes play an important role from the moment you fall asleep to the moment you wake up. Whether you are working or simply enjoying the beauty of your surroundings, life without a good vision can be different. Of course, not in a good way.
Even with that, most people are guilty of not taking good care of their eyes. You can get away with that, but as you get older, you realize that your eyes start getting tired easily. Some of the symptoms you may experience then include blurry vision (1).
Now, one of the best ways to take care of such an issue is to consume supplements that support your vision. Below, we are going to discuss everything you may need to know about the best eye supplements for blurry vision.
What Causes Blurry Vision & Can The Best Eye Supplements Help?
The first thing you probably want to know is why your eyes get blurry. Generally, there are several reasons why that may happen. Let us look at them.
Dry / Tired Eyes
Given the current busy lifestyle and technological advancements, most people spend most of their time in front of computer screens. This can lead to dry and tired eyes. And when this happens, it is easy for your eyes to lose focus.
Eye drops can temporarily remedy this but you also want to watch what you eat. Additionally, consuming omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E can help with dry eyes (2).
Some pregnant women suffer from blurred vision. This could be a result of the hormonal changes that take place in the body during pregnancy. The hormones can tamper with the thickness and shape of the cornea and consequently lead to blurred vision (3).
High pressure in the eyes can cause a condition known as glaucoma or what ophthalmologists refer to as ocular hypertension. The pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve and lead to blurry vision (4). Note That: If you experience halos or circling lights, you may have a case of acute glaucoma (5) in your hands.
Common Visual Deficiencies
When it comes to vision issues, most people experience three common issues including astigmatism, hyperopia (farsightedness), and myopia (shortsightedness).
Myopia occurs when the cornea is extremely curved or if the eyeball is too long (6). When this happens, an image forms at the front of the retina registering a blurry image.
Hyperopia, on the other hand, occurs when the lens focus is too weak and the eyeball is too short (7). With this, an image forms at the rear of the retina making the image you see blurry.
Astigmatism occurs when the cornea has imperfections that cause the light coming through the cornea to be a bit distorted (8).
Wet or Dry Macular Degeneration
Vision disorders like Wet Macular Degeneration can cause the focal point of your vision to be blinded or blurred (9). The condition is caused by an abnormal leakage of blood or fluid in the macula. When you experience such, straight lines will usually appear crooked.
On the other hand, dry macular degeneration comes with similar symptoms only that it is caused by thinning of the macula. This condition usually affects older people over the age of 50.
Sometimes, fuzzy eyesight is caused by a stroke (10). You see, when you experience the same, a section of your brain is deprived of oxygen. And when the part affected is the one that controls visuals, your sight is likely to suffer.
Therefore, if you experience blurry eyesight accompanied by slurred speech, dizziness, and loss of balance, you may want to see a doctor for further assessment.
Foggy vision can also be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes (11). This is because high levels of blood sugar can cause inflammation at the center of the retina ultimately leading to temporary vision blurs. If such a condition is not treated, it is likely to cause blindness and diabetic retinopathy.
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Can Blurry Vision Be Caused by Vitamin Deficiency?
The answer to this question would be a solid yes. Why? Your body including the eyes needs a balanced diet to function optimally. Depriving your body of vitamins can cause blurred vision because they are responsible for fueling sight.
Dehydration can also cause vision issues seeing as the eyes comprise 98% water. When your fail to hydrate, your body automatically goes into water preservation mode. The fluid that forms the eyes and tears begins to dry thus causing blurry vision.
The Best Vitamins for Blurry Eyesight

As you have already seen, vitamins have a role to play when it comes to maintaining good eyesight. So, let’s now take look at some of the vitamins that you need to maintain healthy eyesight?
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an inflammatory and its supplementation can facilitate tear production, and reduce tear instability. This is according to a 2016 study appearing in the Journal of Scientific Research (12). By taking vitamin D you improve your chances of avoiding macular degeneration.
The best way to get vitamin D is to bask in the sun for a while regularly. You may also want to incorporate things like fish, mushroom, cheese, and egg yolk into your diet.
Vitamin A
Growing up, you probably had carrots shoved down your throat. Why? because such vegetables were believed to be good for the eyes and the body in general. Is there any truth to this?
Well, carrots contain beta-carotenoids, which is a kind of Vitamin A that works to promote healthy vision. The same can be found in kale, spinach, and carrots.
Another thing that Vitamin A does is to help keep the cornea lubricated and clear. Of course, this helps guard your eyes against viruses and bacteria.
You may also want to note that Vitamin A makes part of a light-sensitive protein known as rhodopsin. This protein is known to facilitate sight in low light conditions.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is considered a powerhouse that the human body needs to function optimally. A study carried out by the Oregon Health & Science University reveals that the two parts of the human eyes depend on vitamin C.
To supplement your body with vitamin C, consider taking berries, tomatoes, broccoli, and citrus fruits.
Vitamin E
At this point, you have probably realized that your body needs a mixture of vitamins to function as expected. Now, just like it needs all the vitamins that we have previously discussed, your body also needs vitamin E.
This vitamin has antioxidant properties that your eyes require to remain healthy. It works to fight free radicals and the damage they cause. If you are wondering where you can get your dose of Vitamin E, it is found in abundance in spinach, nuts, and avocado.
Eye Vitamins for (AMD)
The vitamin list above shows that vitamins play a vital role when it comes to eye health. Not only do they prevent eye issues, but they also act as remedies in some instances. However, before deciding to take a particular kind of vitamin, it would be advisable to check with your ophthalmologist.
They are in the best position, to tell you what kind of supplement will work best to keep your eyes healthy. If you have a more serious condition like AMD, you can’t afford to use the wrong supplement as you risk aggravating the issue.
Is it Worth Taking The Best Eye Supplements for Blurry Vision?
The human eyes are extremely delicate and are covered by thin skin layers. Your body will always find ways of telling you that you should take better care of them.
For instance, if you often experience eyestrains or dry eyes, you want to hydrate more or take vitamin supplements to strengthen the eyes.
Perhaps you are not experiencing any serious issues with your eyes but you suspect that your body is not getting the nutrients that it requires. This could be because of a diet preference or allergy. In such a case, it would be safe and worth taking eye supplements.
Generally, a good supplement is one that contains Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin A, and Zinc among others. However, you may want to note that high levels of zinc may cause high BP in some people.
That said; you would not have to take supplements if you take nutritious foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins.
Final words – Can Supplements Help With Blurry Vision?
Putting up with blurry vision and other eye conditions can be depressing and crippling. Of course, you would not want that for yourself. So, you may want to put more effort into taking care of your eyes.
It would be best to consult with an ophthalmologist if what you have are mild conditions like infections or cornea tears.
Consider taking the best eye supplements for blurry vision. Such should comprise a blend of pine bark extract and bilberry extract, which are known to support eye health.
After all, is said and done, it is important to keep in mind that vitamins do not cure eye conditions – they merely support eye health.
Another important thing to note is that as you age, your body will have a harder time absorbing and utilizing whatever you consume. The good news? Taking eye supplements in the correct dosages may prevent your eyes from deteriorating.
My sister would like to look for Impaired vision products that may help ease her blurry vision. Thank you for sharing here as well that Glaucoma may be the reason why this is happening because of ocular hypertension. It’s also a good thing that you shared here women who are pregnant could be prone to this type of problem as well.