Blue eyes are without a doubt gorgeous. It’s no wonder those who have them easily stand out from the pack. As a celebrity, blue eyes can come in handy – especially in Hollywood where unique bodily features can give you an edge over the competition.
And talking about celebs, this article focuses on male celebrities that are lucky to have that coveted pair of baby blue eyes.
1. Josh Hamilton (The Baseballer)

Josh is a highly respected former baseball player who featured in the MLB as an outfielder. But did you know that this iconic male athlete has blue eyes?
Seeing as baseball requires one to have good eyesight, Josh has been on record for wearing brown contact lenses in an attempt to improve his performance. He claims his blue eyes give him a harder time spotting the ball, especially during the daytime.
That aside, Josh spots his unique look with confidence and seems to love every moment of it.
2. Brad Pitt

There can only be one Brad Pitt. And yes, he’s a proud owner of a set of cobalt peepers. To top it up, he has blonde hair which many argue sets a perfect backdrop for his piercing blue eyes.
That the Se7en actor looks good is not in doubt. He has been ranked as the best-looking for a long time now, something many would argue has helped maintain his career at the very top of the rungs.
Brad’s rectangular face along with a prominent yet symmetrical jawline complete the puzzle making him perhaps one of the most iconic Hollywood stars with baby blues. It’s no wonder he looked really good together with his ex-wife, Angelina Jolie who equally has blue eyes (of almond shape).
And the best part, their daughter Shiloh Jolie-Pitt equally has ocean blue irises. How cool is that?
3. Jeremy Meeks

He became known as “the blue-eyed bandit” after his mugshot went viral in 2014. Born in 1984, Meeks is known for his piercing blue eyes and what many fashion editors like to refer to as a “cool gaze.”
His gang tattoos provide a perfect backdrop for his bright eyes making his face truly unique and iconic. Of his many tattoos, the teardrop tattoo on his left eye is the most outstanding.
Meeks is of an African or Asian heritage which makes him truly unique as blue eyes are mainly associated with a Caucasian heritage. So, if you’re looking for a black celeb with blue eyes, Jeremy Meeks is among the few you’ll come across.
4. Benedict Cumberbatch

One thing you need to know is that Benedict Cumberbatch’s eyes are so unique that they sometimes appear blue and other times green. It all depends on the amount of light he is exposed to. Also, the color of his eyes may seem to vary depending on what he is wearing.
As such, he is often listed among people with heterochromia since his eyes have a mix of colors. This type of heterochromia is known as sectoral heterochromia and is extremely rare. People with blue and green eyes are mostly found in Scotland and Ireland.
It’s, therefore, not surprising Benedict Cumberbatch has ancestry roots in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, and even Germany!
5. Dan Stevens

If you have watched the film Downtown Abbey, Dan Stevens needs no introduction. He plays the character Matthew Crawley, a lawyer, in the first three seasons of the drama. And yup, he’s one of the popular men out there with blue eyes.
His unworldly cute eyes create a sharp contrast with his dark hair something that makes him really easy to notice. One would argue that his unique looks have played a key role in propelling him to American stardom although it is also clear that his talent and hard work have also played a part in the same.
6. Michael Ealy

Michael Ealy is one of the few black men who have cerulean peepers. Born in 1973, Michael looks stunning with his dark skin and blue eyes and this makes him stand out from other white celebrities with baby blues.
It is quite possible that Ealy had Caucasian relatives in the past otherwise, it is quite rare to find people of color with blue eyes. Black people mostly have brown eyes.
Overall, Michael Ealy looks really good especially because his blue eyes sit perfectly on his wide cheekbones and pointy chin.
7. Chris Pine
Chris Pine has been a top-of-the-range actor for many years now and he only seems to get hotter with time. His semi-long heart-shaped head and broad forehead match perfectly with his azure irises making him one of the hottest male celebrities out there.
The thing is, his eyes appear light blue in color. In fact, so blue are his eyes that people often think he’s worn contacts – but no, that’s his natural eye color.
His admirable looks are complemented by his outstanding cheekbones which give him a memorable masculine look.
8. Bradley Cooper
Imagine being a quadragenarian and still having smooth skin, a baby face, and – baby blues! We’re talking about Bradley Cooper, possibly one of the coolest actors alive.
The actor is known for his high forehead with angular edges. He is also instantly recognizable thanks to his rectangular yet symmetrical face.
That he has a one-of-a-kind masculine look is not in doubt. But his blue eyes are always there to steal the show.
You can describe them as piercing blue eyes – the type that looks straight into your soul.
9. Chace Crawford
If you’re one of the people who tune in to watch “Gossip Girl” just to catch a glimpse of Nate Archibald, chances are that you’re familiar with Chace Crawford’s beauty. FYI Chace Crawford is the one who plays the Nate Archibald role.
His blue eyes and dirty blond hair make him one of the prettiest boys on TV currently. The piercing baby blues can only be described as hot, stunning, and absolutely wonderful, depending on who you ask.
Of course, there is more to Chace than just the good looks. His great acting skills, soft-spoken nature, and dancing skills are definitely part of the things that make this blue-eyed male celeb truly iconic.
10. James McAvoy
Dreamy, incredible, angelic, and ocean blue are just but a few of the words that can be used to describe the color of James McAvoy’s eyes. Known for crying in almost every scene he features in; James stands out as sympathetic and to some extent naïve – his eyes having everything to do with it.
His striking blue eyes blend in perfectly with his red lips. This, combined with his short stature create a notable contrast when juxtaposed with his commanding voice.
The celeb’s baby blues are sometimes used by movie directors to convey the character’s innocence and ignorance.
Other Male Celebrities with Baby Blues
Other renowned men with cerulean peepers include Daniel Craig, Hugh Grant, Gary Oldman, and Scott Disick among others. For sure, people with blue eyes have a lot to be proud of. Head here for another article about famous individuals with gray eyes.